We deliver goods only to the countries listed below and under the terms and conditions stated here. Orders placed from countries other than those listed will not be accepted.
Shipping costs when ordering more than one item
If you order more than one item, the shipping costs will be charged as a lump sum for each order.
Note on ordering several items with different delivery times:
If you order items with different delivery times, we will send the goods in one shipment. In this case, the delivery time of your order is determined by the item that has the longest delivery time. The indicated delivery times refer to deliveries within Germany.
Bulky goods surcharge when ordering more than one item:
If you order more than one item, a bulky goods surcharge will be charged as a lump sum for each order. It will also be charged if the delivery is indicated as being free. Items that are subject to a bulky goods surcharge are explicitly marked as such.
We deliver heavy and large orders by means of freight forwarder!
Items that can only be shipped by freight forwarder are explicitly marked as such.
Minimum Order Value
Delivery to Switzerland
Sales within the European Union
Shipping terms within Germany
Shipping terms to Austria
Shipping terms to Belgium
Shipping terms to Czech Republic
Shipping terms to Denmark
Shipping terms to Finland
Shipping terms to Hungary
Shipping terms to Ireland
Shipping terms to Italy
Shipping terms to Luxembourg
Shipping terms to Netherlands
Shipping terms to Poland
Shipping terms to Portugal
Shipping terms to Slovakia
Shipping terms to Slovenia
Shipping terms to Spain
Shipping terms to Sweden